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School / College Educational facilities.

Change your environment to reduce costs, benefit your IT System, and provide the staff and students more agile beneficial and more productive systems. We can tailor solutions to budgets or offer consultancy on what may be best

Internet Laptop

Protect and serve files

All institutions have had some kind of issue with files, it may have been a rogue virus or someone has accidentally deleted all of their coursework. With OnComp at the helm, no one will suffer more than they need to with recoverable files (snapshots of data), rollback of entire systems (unlike to mitigate randsomware issues) and Servers that can send the data at the speed you need so people are not left waiting around.

Solutions can be tailered for media departments making videos or computing departments figuring out programming at its best.

Server picture


OnComp offers full hardware support with the ability to make sure everything is A-OK

Networks and Phones

Networks need to be configured correctly with the right people getting to the right places, we set up and manage everything.


Computers can be the biggest outlay but are they what you need. We can offer solutions that gets people what they need, not off the shelf.

Storage thats FAST

Files come in all shapes and sizes and we have solutions designed for speed. No longer do people have to wait.


Servers are the backbone, what handles the data, most schools have too many. We can ensure these are configured correctly and you have what you need. 


WiFi is essential. But how much do you spend? We can provide enterprise-class solutions at extremely competitive prices


We offer full wiring services from one drop to the whole campus with the correct Full Copper Wiring with less risk from fire.


OnComp can provide all types of support for IT systems from storage to CMS and Websites

Social Media

Is the information about your services really that easy to understand and get hold of? Maybe a club could do with its own page with your own social network?

Shared storage

Every student may need some storage. Wouldnt it be easier if shared resources where available on the fly?

Auto Child Safety

A computer means internet and with that comes threats, we can try to overcome these issues by blocking content


CCTV is a big part of keeping people safe by monitoring, recording and reducing potential threats.


In the market for a course management solution? Moodle helps create effective online learning communities.

Remote Support

Why pay for a constant presence what is your average cost per issue?

Lite - Support
On-Site Support
Consulting on Solutions
Website Managed
Managed IT Services

Fully Outsourced IT Department

Support your environment
On-Site and Remote support
All IT systems Managed
All IT problems Managed
All IT Equipment Managed
All IT Monitored
Emails and Websites Managed
IT Systems overview
Areas of improvement
Identified Risks
Identified Cost Savings
Implementation information
Modern practise information

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